iPhone Free Tools Apps

TextGrabber Scan & Translate iPhone App Review
TextGrabber Scan & Translate for iPhone digitises printed text fragments, reads QR codes, and converts the recognised result into actions. We can call, write, translate into 100+ languages online and 10 languages offline, search the web or on maps, make calendar events, edit, speak, and share in any convenient method. TextGrabber collects information and identifies […]

iTap mobile RDP (Remote Desktop for Windows) App for iPhone Review
Out of station and want to control your PC at office and home? Not a castle in the dream but it’s all possible with the revolutionary, iTap Mobile RDP (Remote Desktop for Windows) app for iPhone. It is simple to use, user friendly interface that allows you to supervise and administer the Windows desktop from […]
Data Monitor App for iPhone Review
Do you think your service provider is charging you unnecessarily for data usage? If so we advise you to download Data Monitor app for iPhone. Real Time monitoring and controlling of data plan is possible with this iPhone application. Data Monitor app helps you control the data usage both on your phone (4G/LTE/3G/Edge/GPRS) as well […]
Today To-Do Basic App for iPhone Review
Staying organized always has its benefits. If you have not yet found the right tools to organize your daily to-do lists, try out Today To-Do Basic: Clever Task Management app for iPhone. This free app is exclusively meant to help you organize your tasks for a day: today. And it is quite easy to use. […]
uFix App for iPhone Review
Some trouble shooting skills always come handy. It let you try and fix many things yourself. uFix app for iPhone might be your perfect partner in your quest to fix things yourself. The app let you fix the common issues in iPhone without any external assistance. You can get uFix for free from iTunes App […]