DiskUsage Android app Review

| January 29, 2011 | 1 Comment


The DiskUsage Android app is a great way for you to manage all of the files and apps that are located on your Android phone.


  • The DiskUsage Android app is a great way to be able to see all of the files and the apps that are not only located on your internal memory, but the ones that are found on your SD card as well
  • One of the really cool parts about this app is that it will actually display a diagram of the different directories as well as showing the proportion of their size as found on your phone
  • You can also use actions with this app by simply pressing down on the menu button
  • This app is also available under free license so you don’t have to worry about charges
  • The SD Card visual representation is actually pretty neat and will show you everything currently located on it
  • This is essentially a way for you to be able to get into your SD card and have some file management of it
  • Once you start browsing the files you can then either open them or delete them at will


Overall, this is actually a very useful app to have on your Android phone.  You will be able to use it to see the apps that are on your SD card as well as the files that are located on your internal memory storage.  Knowing what is currently on your phone is a great way to perform maintenance when you start getting full.  There is always that time where you downloaded a free app to try it out, thought that is wasn’t any good, and then just forgot about it.  Maybe you didn’t make it into a widget on your home screen so now it is just sitting in storage, taking up space.  This app will allow you to open up manager tool so that you can easily rid yourself of those apps that were downloaded a while back.  Easy to browse and it also has a really cool visual representation of the stuff that is located on your SD Card.  If you like to keep things running efficiently without a bunch of crap on your phone then this app is for you.

This app has received pretty stellar reviews and is currently sitting at a 4.5 out of 5 star rating from Android app users.  The other great part about this awesome app is that you can download it for free.

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Category: Free Android Apps, Free Android Tools

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  1. M.Squared says:

    Is great.

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