iPhone Free App, Doodle Jump for HOP the Movie

| March 25, 2011 | 6 Comments

Ah, movie with a cute CG bunny, that’s right, it means a free app to spread the advertising.  Cute game, probably not everyone’s cup of coffee, but it’s worth a try.  You play as E.B. (the son of the Easter Bunny) and have to improve your bunny skills in order to take over dear ole dad’s job.  Bunnies are good at two things, jumping and hopping.  OK, maybe three things, but for the purpose of the game, the skill is about jumping and hopping.  The goal is to become better than the most proficient jumper in the universe, Doodle the Doodler.  Not only does E.B. have to worry about taking over dad’s job, but he also has to quell a chick revolt that could destroy Easter festivities forever.

iphone free app



  • 25 levels set up to unlock every day until the release of the movie.
  • Tilt and Tap Play Action
  • Hopping Good Time

HOP is an animated CG movie from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.  The game follows the movie’s characters through a fun arcade style game for the iPhone.  Go through each level and collect each of the Easter Eggs.  If you can make through all 25 levels, you will have the illustrious honor of becoming the new Easter Bunny.


Well, this is a high quality game, but it is so tied into a holiday that it doesn’t really warrant staying on your iPhone for more than a few days of play.  Personally, it wasn’t captivating enough to want to see it all the way through 25 levels.  It’s not incredibly challenging and it gets a little bit annoying after awhile.  We recommend checking I out, maybe if you have kids that always want to use your iPhone.  No judgments here if you like the game, it just seems more geared for kids to put them in seats at the theater for opening day.  HOP is probably going to be a really cute and funny movie, but the iPhone app was deleted from our phone after testing it for the review.

We are going to give this app a 6/10 and this is why.  This is a great marketing idea, tying the movie in to an app that kids would want to play is pretty smart.  This is a professionally made app and high quality sound and graphics.  It probably could not have been better made, but I would say that it probably is not going to be that much fun for the average adult.  Once again, no judgments here, if you like the game, keep it on your iPhone.  It doesn’t hurt to try it out.  Good luck getting through the Easter Bunny’s top secret candy factory and saving Easter, if you can stand the game long enough to make it that far!


Category: 1000 Most Popular iPhone Apps, Free iPhone Apps, iPhone Free Games

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  1. Hayley says:

    I want this game back on the App Store, it was my favourite game in the whole entire world !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want it back!

  2. Hayley says:

    I want it back

  3. Hayley says:

    I want it back please

  4. Hayley says:

    This game was my childhood I loved it

  5. Hayley says:

    It took me forever to beat all the levels and I played it everyday trying to

  6. Hayley says:

    I want to play it again! Not doodle jump, hop, it had levels and I love that

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